There are several methods available for tattoo removal, so it is critical to consult a doctor or dermatologist before making a decision.

In this medical evaluation, the characteristics of your skin and tattoo are analyzed, constituting the basis for choosing the most appropriate tattoo removal method for you.

The factors that interfere with the removal of a tattoo are basically the size of the tattoo, the color and characteristics of your skin. The treatment time varies according to the chosen method and the characteristics mentioned.

Lighter-colored tattoos such as white, yellow, red, and green are more resistant, and those of black and dark blue are more easily removed.

Tattoos made by qualified professionals tend to be more easily removed, since there are more chances to have been made in the correct layer of the skin. In addition, older tattoos, whose pigment has already been more absorbed by the skin, are also easier to remove.

In general, the technique most used and indicated by specialists is laser removal, which usually generates very satisfactory results.

Pros and Cons of Tattoo Removal

The reasons for someone removing a tattoo are very particular, so it is important to consider all the pros and cons before making a decision, which is costly and requires patience:


  • You can be free of a tattoo, the result of which you did not like or that no longer has the same meaning as it had when you tattooed. These situations can generate a lot of dissatisfaction with the body itself, so the removal of the tattoo presents itself as a good way out.
  • Symptoms after the tattoo removal procedure are usually mild, with a small swelling and redness at the site.
  • During the procedure, the specialist may anesthetize the site to minimize pain.


  • Tattoo removal has a high cost, especially if it is done with modern laser equipment.
  • Dark skins have higher risks of burning, scarring and hyperpigmentation, as they have a natural pigmentation similar to that of tattoo inks.
  • Tattoo removal requires several sessions and can take up to two years to achieve a complete elimination result.

Main methods of tattoo removal

The main methods of tattoo removal are:

Laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal is one of the most effective methods and therefore is also one of the most sought after.

The laser penetrates the skin and is attracted by the ink pigments that make up the tattoo. The small pigment particles resulting from the action of the laser are eliminated by the immune system.

The greater the contrast between the color of the person’s skin and the color of the tattoo, the better the result, because the laser is attracted by the pigment and, therefore, different types of laser are used for each color.

This process is time consuming and, depending on the tattoo, it may take six, ten or more sessions to reach the desired result. Each session has a relatively high cost and the more modern the laser used, the more expensive the treatment tends to.

It is necessary to give an interval of 45 to 60 days from one session to another, so that healing is complete and depigmentation is more efficient.

Currently, there are several options of lasers on the market, with variations in wavelengths, for example:

  • Laser QS Ruby: This laser emits a wavelength of 694 nanometers, used in tattoos with black, blue, green and purple pigmentation.
  • Laser QS Nd YAG: emits the wavelength of 1064 nanometers, used for removal of tattoos with black and blue pigmentation. It can also emit a wavelength of 532 nanometers, efficient for removing yellow, red and orange color.
  • Laser QS Alexandrite: emits a wavelength of 755 nanometers, used to remove tattoos in purple, green, black and blue color.

When the tattoo has several colorings, lasers with different wavelengths need to be used. In these situations, it is indicated to start with the highest wavelength and decrease in the next sessions.


Dermabrasion consists of a very invasive and aggressive technique because it basically sands the skin to remove the tattoo. The method is performed with local anesthesia and with a high-rotation abrasive disc.

This method is not as commonly used today, due to the risk of infection of skin lesions and discomforts after the procedure, which are similar to that of a burn.

Dermabrasion is not indicated for people who have tendencies to loloid, which is a lump that forms in the skin by excess collagen after healing.

Removal of tattoo by excision (surgery)

Surgical removal is a little used method, as it leaves an apparent scar at the place where the tattoo was removing.

This scar can bring back memories that one day the tattoo existed and, depending on the location, can bring embarrassment to the person.

In places where there is no excess skin, it is necessary to resort to grafts, with the aim of leaving the skin with the healthiest appearance.

Usually, surgery is indicated for people who have an allergic reaction to tattoo pigments and need to urgently remove it to contain the allergy.

Like all surgery, the postoperative requires care that is guided by the surgeon or plastic surgeon responsible for the case.

Care after tattoo removal

Using sunscreen is always important, but after removing a tattoo, even more

After tattoo removal sessions, it is important to take some care, to avoid blemishes, irritation, itching and scars on the skin:

  • Avoid sunbathing and use sunscreen. If possible, wear clothing with sun protection.
  • Avoid using accessories where the tattoo removal procedure was done.
  • Do not forget to apply the healing ointment recommended by the professional who got the tattoo or by the dermatologist.
  • Keep the skin well hydrated, with the application of moisturizers and with the intake of water.
  • Do not remove crusts or bubbles that may form in the region. Let the skin heal naturally.
  • Avoid pro-inflammatory foods, which impair healing.

By following these recommendations, you will have a good and smooth recovery and you will be able to enjoy this new phase without the tattoo.