In the world of aesthetic medicine there are many surgical procedures that promise to improve the physical appearance, either of the body or the face, and thus reach the beauty standards of each person. Such is the case of those who aspire to get a few dimples on the cheeks because they consider them a beautifying element and therefore, undergo a dimplepasty or dimple surgery.

What are dimples?

Dimples are nothing more than marks that appear on the cheeks caused by an anomaly or imperfection in the buccinator muscle, located on the cheek, behind the masseter muscle.

This muscle is very important at an aesthetic level, since it gives us the shape of our face; elongated, round, etc., and is responsible for chewing, salibation, etc.

This genetic defect is transmitted from parents to children, so not everyone can boast of dimples. In fact, it is a rather special trait that only about 20% of the population has; they give attractiveness to their face, beautify their smile and sweeten their face.

What is dimpleplasty?

Better known as the dimple surgery on the cheeks, it is a procedure in which two incisions are made (one on each side of the cheeks) to cause a small sinking and give a dimple-like finish when smiling.

How is dimpleplasty performed?

Dimplepasty is the surgical intervention that consists of crossing the skin, mucosa and zygomatic muscle and then extracting a tiny portion of fat and muscle to create the dimple. After this, a suture is performed from side to side tightening the skin on the muscle, so that smiling will be visualized as a depression in the cheeks. So, in short, dimple surgery consists of producing an adhesion in the tissue.

Type of anesthesia in dimpleplasty

It is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis, so it is possible to go home once the surgery is over. Dimpleplasty requires a very delicate technique, so like any other surgery, it should only be performed by a professional specialized in plastic surgery.

Recovery after dimpleplasty

As for the recovery, it is very simple, since only a slight inflammation will be experienced that can be controlled with the application of cold compresses, while the sutures must be taken care of with adequate oral hygiene and soft diet. On the other hand, from the second or third day it is possible to resume routine activities.

What are the risks of dimpleplasty?

As in any medical procedure and in this case, aesthetic, it is necessary to know the risks and / or complications that may occur, and although dimplepasty consists of a simple technique, it also requires the care of several details to guarantee a natural, satisfactory and safe result.

The first thing you should know is that when there is an adhesion or what is the same, a scar, this can become a fibrosis or fade over time, so asymmetries could occur between the dimples, since one side could be very pronounced and another not. Similarly, depending on the healing process that occurs, the result can be more satisfactory than another.

Another risk that dimpleplasty entails is the possibility of hurting the Stenon duct, since it is the channel through which the parotid gland secretes saliva and this could cause alterations in the production and distribution of it, with the consequent dry mouth and infections.

Other problems associated with surgery may include:

  • Be visible continuously: usually the dimples are shown when smiling, so a natural result would be that these are only marked when the person smiles, however, it may happen that due to the incorrect tension or the scar that is formed, the dimples are marked all the time, giving the appearance of something artificial.
  • Pain: being an area with a lot of mucous it is common for tissue regeneration to be slower, so if you do not have the proper care, a very painful infection can originate.
  • Alteration of facial expression: it is a surgery that modifies the facial contour so if the expected results are not obtained, it is possible to end up with asymmetrical and disproportionate features.
  • Damage to the facial nerve

It is important to note that although there are risks, it is very rare for them to occur. However, precautions must be taken to ensure the desired results. As always we recommend that you go to a specialist if you decide to perform this type of surgery.