Category Archives: Services Face


Lobuloplasty is a minor outpatient surgery, performed under local anesthesia that through a small incision corrects, repairs or shapes the lobes of one or both ears of the patient. Taking off the lobes, reducing their size, avoiding asymmetries are some of the reasons to go to Clinics to perform this surgery.

It is very common to deal with torn lobuloplasties, which consists of an elongation of the hole of the earrings and that, even, can cause the total rupture of the skin in the area. Once the torn tissues have been removed, the total reconstruction of the lobe is carried out.

Lobuloplasty is also used in patients who have used dilators or piercings on the lobes and who want to close them.

Cosmetic lobe surgery, or lobuloplasty, is intended to improve or restore the appearance and harmonic shape of the earlobes.

Lobuloplasty procedure

This intervention is usually performed from the age of 4, when the ears are fully developed and the patient has developed social sensitivity.

It is a simple procedure with local and outpatient anesthesia that will involve the closure of the hole in the slope. To do this, the affected area is opened and then sewn with two or three stitches. To avoid possible infections, the intervened area is covered.

After a while, about a week or two, the stitches will be removed. If the patient wishes, after having spent another two weeks, the holes can be made again to show off earrings. It should be taken into account not to perform them in the same place where the previous tear occurred.

There are more extreme cases, usually produced by dilations, in which the surgical procedure is more laborious.

Postoperative lobuloplasty

For 30 days you will have to be careful with the scar and wear clip-on closure earrings. After this period, a new hole can be made, but without interfering with the scar. The scar is practically invisible and is concealed with the folds of the ear itself. We must bear in mind that, to protect the scar, it is recommended not to expose it to direct sunlight.

What can cause a lobe to tear?

A tear in the lobe can be caused by a variety of factors. The most popular are problems such as the weight of the earrings changing over time, or acts as mundane as sleeping with the earrings on. In the case of minor injuries, it can also be caused by an unwanted and accidental tug of the ears, or by a slight blow during sports practice or play.

As the lobe ages due to the passage of time, it is quite normal to see quite large lobes, disproportionate to the rest of the neck, or sagging in older people. Lobuloplasty is the operation that corrects deformities in these situations, and harmonizes the shape and size of the lobe with the rest of the face.

Benefits of Lobuloplasty

This surgery allows the patient to recover the anterior morphology of their lobes, which gives them greater self-esteem and confidence. In addition, being a simple intervention, no more than 15 minutes, the patient will be able to see the results the same day.

Frequently asked questions

Is the intervention painful?

It is an intervention in which you can feel discomfort on contact or pressure for the first month at most.

How long does it take to have the final result of a lobuloplasty?

The results are immediate. After a few months the patient will be able to make the hole for slopes again.

Can I shower after the operation?

We must maintain hygiene in the area so that the area is clean and we avoid possible infections. It is not recommended to go to saunas or excessively humid spaces until the complete recovery of the treated area.

When can you live a normal life?

Except for physical exercise, you can start doing normal life after the first few days. Sports practice can start from three weeks.

From what age can it be done?

Children from the age of four can already perform this intervention.

What anesthesia is used?

Depending on the type of patient, the anesthesia will be total or local.

Can new holes be made in the lobes?

Once the proper healing time has elapsed, new holes can be made.

What are the risks of treatment?

Bleeding, bruising and inflammation may occur, but with the passage of days or weeks these will have disappeared. During the postoperative period, the surgeon will prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and analgesics to combat these inconveniences.

chin augmentation in Mumbai

Chin Augmentation

Cosmetic chin augmentation in Mumbai is an excellent option for anyone who feels that their chin is not properly shaped relative to the rest of the face. Popular among men and women, chin augmentation can be achieved through facial implants for chin augmentation or advancement, or through chin reduction surgery for those who want their jaw to appear less prominent in profile.

Chin augmentation adds proportion to the chin and provides balance to other facial features. A weak chin makes the neck appear fleshy. It accentuates the size of a normal nose and makes a large nose appear especially large. Chin augmentation by chin implant surgery harmonizes facial features and balances the overall facial structure.

Chin implant placement, although largely overshadowed by other more popular surgeries, can be an excellent solution for people who want to increase the size and shape of their chin. If you’re not sure what exactly chin implants are, or if you’re wondering about the price range of chin implant surgery, learning about the procedure is the important first step in improving your appearance with chin augmentation surgery.

Chin implant candidates

Chin augmentation surgery in Mumbai offers many aesthetic benefits. Good candidates for the procedure include those who have a:

  • Sunken chin
  • Pointed or square chin
  • Prominent nose
  • Fleshy neck

Chin cosmetic surgery adds definition to the jaw and balances the appearance of a large nose. Chin implants are often used in conjunction with rhinoplasty to achieve maximum aesthetic effect and can be used with cheek implants and lip augmentation to achieve an overall facial balance.

Candidates for chin augmentation surgery should not:

  • Being in poor health
  • Having unreasonable expectations about the outcome of surgery
  • Having taken Accutane® in the past six months (the medication may affect bone growth and cause keloid scarring)
  • Suffer from heart problems or hypertension
  • Take blood thinners

What are chin augmentations like?

The appearance of chin implants varies depending on the material with which they are manufactured. Preformed chin implants, such as those made with silicone, have a shape similar to that of the narrow chin guard of a sports helmet.

The plastic surgeon in Mumbai can carve the implant to adjust the shape and achieve a personalized fit. Once in place, the chin implant should create a strong, natural-looking jawline. Some plastic surgeons can demonstrate the aesthetic benefit that chin implants provide through computer imaging, allowing patients to see what they will look like after surgery.

chin augmentation in Mumbai
The chin augmentation operation

Chin augmentation in Mumbai uses chin implants to supplement the existing bone in the front of the jaw below the teeth. The artificial implant is placed under the skin and gives a permanent boost to the strength and definition of the chin. This method of augmentation can give patients a nice, well-proportioned look that looks completely natural.

The cosmetic chin augmentation procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis at the surgeon’s clinic, but can be performed in a hospital. The duration of the procedure depends on several factors, but it is usually 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Depending on the preferences of the surgeon and the patient, local or general anesthesia may be used.

The incision created during the operation is made under the chin or inside the mouth between the gum and the lower lip. Incisions created in the mouth are more likely to introduce bacteria into the body, but do not produce visible scars. Once the incisions are made, the chin implant is inserted and placed in front of the jaw.

The plastic surgeon in Goregaon then checks its appearance to see if it is well balanced with other facial features and can adjust or modify the implant to make sure the right look is achieved. Once this is done, the chin implant is sutured in place, and the procedure is completed. The sutures inside the mouth dissolve after about 10 days. Sutures outside the mouth are removed after about the same period.

Complications of chin augmentation in Mumbai

One of the most frequently asked questions from those considering a chin implant is, “Are chin implants safe?” Although rare, complications of chin implant surgery do occur. After the intervention, it is expected that bruises and swelling will appear that can last up to six weeks.

Anesthesia-related complications can also occur, often affecting the respiratory system. Other risks are the migration of the chin implant once placed. This may require a second procedure to adjust the implant in proper alignment. Infections pose a risk, but are usually effectively controlled with antibiotics.

Since chin implant surgery can potentially damage small nerves, postoperative numbness of the lip and chin is a possible side effect of cosmetic chin surgery.

Consult a chin augmentation surgeon

The risk of complications in chin surgery can be greatly reduced if a qualified plastic surgeon in Malad who has experience in chin surgery is chosen.

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids)

Ptosis is a drooping upper eyelid, in one or both eyes. It may be easily noticeable, or the eyelid may hang down and cover the entire pupil. Ptosis can affect both children and adults, but most often occurs due to aging.

Symptoms and signs of ptosis

The most obvious sign of ptosis is a drooping eyelid. Depending on how severely the eyelid hangs, people with ptosis may have difficulty seeing. Sometimes you tilt your head back to see under the eyelid or repeatedly raise your eyebrows to try to lift your eyelids.

The degree of drooping eyelids varies from person to person. If you think you have ptosis, you can compare a new photo of your face with a photo that is 10 or 20 years old. You may notice a difference in the skin of the eyelids.

Ptosis can be similar to dermatochalasis, a group of connective tissue diseases that cause excessive skin folds. These disorders are related to an abnormal formation of elastic tissue. Your ophthalmologist can tell you if this is the cause of your drooping eyelids.

What causes ptosis?

Ptosis can be present at birth (congenital ptosis) or occur as a result of aging, injury or a consequence of cataract surgeries and other corrective eye operations.

This condition can also be caused by problems with the muscles that lift the eyelid, known as levators. Sometimes the anatomy of the face creates difficulties for the levator muscles.

Other causes of drooping eyelids include an eye tumor, a neurological disease, or a systemic disease such as diabetes.

Who needs to have a ptosis operation?

Doctors will recommend patients experiencing the following conditions to perform ptosis surgery.

  • The eyelids hang too much, which limits vision.
  • The height of the eyelid is too low, which makes it difficult for elderly patients to see clearly.
  • One of the eyelids is lower than the other, so that it interferes with vision or causes refractive errors.

In addition to health interests, ptosis surgery is often used as a cosmetic procedure to change the shape of the eyelids.

Ptosis surgery can provide an anti-aging effect and remove wrinkles around the eyes.

Some people with different eyelid heights in one eye may be operated on to correct the shape of the eyelids so that they become more symmetrical.

Treatment of ptosis

Eyelid repair surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia around the eye.

This procedure can take 45-90 minutes, depending on the condition of the eyelid that needs repair.

In severe cases, doctors don’t just make a small adjustment, so it takes longer, even when surgery is done on both eyes.


Before performing the operation, you must undergo a full eye examination.

In children, doctors must perform long-term eye examinations before actually deciding that surgery is necessary.

It is important for you to consult further with your doctor about the benefits and risks of complications from ptosis surgery.

Also, tell your doctor about the types of medications you’re taking, including supplements and herbal remedies.

Your doctor will usually ask you to stop taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, to prevent the risk of bleeding disorders.


In mild cases, the eye surgeon will adjust the height of the eyelid to the desired position by tightening the levator muscle.

The levator muscle is a type of muscle that works to move the eyelids.

However, some conditions may require a different method of surgery. The following are three methods that can be performed in ptosis surgery.

  1. Tightening of the Levator muscle

This method can be applied to patients with strong levator muscle function.

The surgeon will change the position of the levator muscle by placing it on the tarsus, which is the connective tissue of the eyelid.

Ptosis surgery with this method usually gives a higher eyelid so that you see better. The result of the operation also gives a more attractive eyelid shape.

  1. Eyelid muscle shortening

In this procedure, the doctor will turn the eyelids inward.

The doctor will also shorten the levator or Mueller muscle, which is the muscle that also plays a role in lifting the eyelid, from the inside of the eyelid.

If only a small part of the cap needs to be raised, the doctor will usually cut off the Mueller muscle.

Instead, the doctor will shorten the levator muscle when the eyelid needs to be raised higher.

  1. Installation sling

If the function of the eyelid muscles is weak, the doctor must adjust the position of the eyelids by placing an instrument in the form of a sling.

In this ptosis surgical method, the doctor will attach the upper eyelid to the frontal muscle, which is the muscle just above the eyebrows.

To do so, the doctor will pair the sling It is a small silicone rod that runs through the bottom of the eyelid.

This tool will connect the eyelids to the frontal muscle, causing the forehead muscles to become strong enough to lift the eyelids higher.


Once the surgery is complete, your doctor will usually let you go home within a few hours.

You may have difficulty closing your eyes or lowering your eyelids, making your eyes more likely to become dry.

This condition is a common side effect of postoperative ptosis experienced by both children and adults.

In addition, you may experience other side effects such as:

  • eye pain,
  • light bleeding and
  • infection of the surgical suture.

Some symptoms may not completely disappear two to three months later.

But don’t worry, the doctor will give you eye drops and ointments that can keep your eyes moist during the recovery period.

These drugs also reduce the risk of eye infections that can occur due to eyelids that are difficult to close.

Risks of ptosis surgery

After surgery, the eyelids may look asymmetrical, even if they are located higher than before the operation. In very rare cases, eyelid movement may be lost.

It is important to choose the surgeon with care, as a poorly performed operation can result in an unwanted appearance or dry eyes because the raised eyelids do not close completely.

Before deciding on a ptosis surgery, you should ask the surgeon how many such procedures he or she has performed. Also, ask to see photographs of former patients before and after and ask if you can talk to any of them about the experience.

Ptosis in children

Children born with moderate or severe ptosis must undergo surgical treatment in order to develop good vision. If not treated, ptosis can lead to amblyopia (impaired vision in one eye) and a lifelong poor vision.

All children with ptosis, even in mild cases, should see an ophthalmologist every year. As they get older, the eyes change shape and sometimes vision problems can occur if the ptosis worsens.

Blepharoplasty in Mumbai


With the help of blepharoplasty / eyelid surgery in Mumbai, we can correct both drooping upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. We do this by returning the tissues during eyelid surgery and strengthening the capsule for the fat, stretching the muscle and in some cases even removing excess skin.

An eyelid surgery means that you look younger and more alert and is one of the most common procedures.

Why eyelid surgery?

There are many reasons why you choose to do an eyelid operation, so-called eyelid surgery in Mumbai. Here we go through some common reasons. Eye plastic surgery can be done, for example, to:

Get a more spirited look

Drooping eyelids can cause excess skin and fat bags around the eyes when the skin loses its elasticity. This can lead to a tired appearance, heavy and drooping eyelids, as well as bags under the eyes.

Counteract functional problems

Functional problems can also occur, such as reduced field of vision, stinging eyes and headaches. These are some of several reasons why many people choose to do an eyelid operation, so-called eyelid surgery.

Counteract irritation and watery eyes

The eyelids have an important function in protecting the eye but also in moisturizing the membranes of the eyes, especially the cornea (Cornea). If the function is reduced and the eyelids do not have good contact and the right angle to the eye, it can lead to irritation with chafing and watery eyes.

Medical Conditions

Blepharoplasty in Mumbai can also be a necessary treatment for hereditary conditions such as ptosis. If the problem is not treated, it can impair vision and lead to other visual impairments, such as amblyopia or astigmatism.

It is very important to have an assessment and possible adjustment of eyelid function in connection with eye plastic.

Techniques and combination interventions

In the case of an eyelid surgery, the lower eyelid incision is most often placed discreetly under the edge of the eye hair. Excess skin is removed, weak muscles are stretched, and any bulging fat is corrected. The best plastic surgeon in Mumbai who performs your eyelid surgery may choose to put the incision on the inside of the eyelid if in your case it is considered more beneficial. The new techniques used by the APS clinic are about recreating the anatomy and we are wary of removing fat.

In our younger patients, eyelid surgery is usually performed as an individual procedure, while middle-aged patients often choose to do a combination procedure with a facelift.

What can you expect?

For us at the APS clinic, it is important that you are satisfied with your eyelid surgery, which is why we are keen for the result to be the best possible. It is also important to us that your surgery leaves minimal scars behind. Our skilled plastic surgeon in Mumbai is responsive to your wishes and are based on your specific circumstances.

For several patients, the result of an eyelid surgery is permanent, while for others the result lasts for a number of years.
Blepharoplasty in Mumbai

Upper eyelid surgery

Very drooping eyes not only make you look much older, but they can also hinder your vision, which can affect everyday activities (such as driving a car). Hanging eyes can result in limited vision, especially in the upper part and on the sides of the field of view, making an eyelid surgery in Mumbai a medical necessity.

When assessing the upper eyelid, one must first look at the position of the eyebrows. If, with age, the eyebrows have gone down (eyebrow ptosis), it must be assessed whether they too should be corrected during an operation to achieve the desired result.

About upper eyelid surgery in Mumbai

An upper eyelid operation is done in such a way that after drawing out the incision, the operation is carried out under local anesthesia or anesthesia, according to your wishes. The incision is laid along the furr of the upper eyelid, and the eyelid is very gently and gently anesthetized.

The plastic surgeon in Malad adjusts the skin, underlying musculature and any fat accumulations that give unwanted appearance. The skin is then sewn together, and you get to rest for a while with a light pressure against the area to reduce swelling.

Scars after upper blepharoplasty in Mumbai

Scars after upper eyelid surgery end up in the natural fold about 8-10 mm up from the eyelashes. You should always protect red scars from the sun, as this can create some discoloration.

Lower eyelid surgery

Lower/lower eyelid surgery can be an option when fat accumulations or bags under the eyes are caused by weakening the musculature that holds back the adipose tissue behind the eye so that the fat bulges. Excess skin also increases the percentage of fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid. If you have any of these problems, it may be relevant to operate on eyelids through a lower eyelid surgery (or lower eyelid surgery as it is also called).

About lower eyelid surgery in Mumbai

A lower eyelid operation is performed under local anesthesia, according to your preference. The plastic surgeon in Goregaon puts a thin incision under the lower eyelash row and adjusts the skin, underlying musculature and any fat accumulations that give unwanted appearance. The incision can in some cases continue out into the so-called crow’s kick wrinkle next to the outer edge of the eye. The skin is then sewn together with a stitch that runs along the inside of the skin and you get to rest for a while with a light pressure against the area to reduce swelling.
eyelid surgery in Mumbai

Scars after lower eyelid surgery

The scar of a lower blepharoplasty in Mumbai ends up just below the lower eyelashes. After a month or so, the scars become very discreet and usually barely visible. Each healing process is unique and the body’s way of forming scar tissue varies from person to person.

If only excess fat is to be adjusted, the scar can be placed on the inside of the lower eyelid. You will then get a very fast and gentle healing.

If there is a lack of fullness towards the nose, a little fat can be moved from the stomach for a younger and more even appearance.

After eyelid surgery

Healing after blepharoplasty in Mumbai

The first few days you may be swollen and even get minor bruises around the eyes, this gradually settles down after a few days. It is important to keep wound edges dry and free of dirt. If you have an easy job, you can return to this after a few days. Ideally, avoid the use of contact lenses during the first week after your eyelid surgery.

The end result may differ between different people depending on, among other things, the genetic predisposition and the elasticity of the skin. In some cases, there may be skin left under the eyebrows if these are sunken. This can in most cases be corrected using a boiler lift.


You have a scheduled return visit a week after surgery to remove the stitches. After a few more days, it is usually possible to start makeup over the scars, but some swelling may persist and gradually disappear. After a month or so, the scars become very discreet and usually barely visible.

Exercise after eyelid surgery

You should avoid heart rate-boosting activity for 2 weeks after undergoing your surgery. After about 3 weeks, you can begin lighter training.

eybrow lift surgery in Mumbai

Brow Lift

As we get older, the elasticity of the skin decreases, which can contribute to the eyebrows both feeling and looking heavy. An eyebrow lift surgery in Mumbai can help give you a more alert more youthful expression.

An eyebrow lift means that the eyebrows are raised with the help of stretching the forehead skin. If the eyebrows have sunk down, the upper eyelids have become heavy, and/or when the forehead is heavily wrinkled with deep folds, it is common to undergo an eyebrow lift.

Correction of deep concern wrinkles between the eyebrows (the so-called angry wrinkle) can also be adjusted with this combination treatment. The result is a more youthful and fresher expression.

How does it work?

With the help of an eyebrow lift in Mumbai, the excess skin is removed, and the forehead skin is stretched up with the help of an incision along the hairline or a bit into the scalp. If the hairline is high or about to become, the hairline can be lowered a bit if the cut is placed right at the hairline.

Peephole technology can also be used for forehead lifting, which means that several small discreet cuts are placed inside the hairline. The latter surgical technique can thus mean that the hairline will be slightly higher than before, however, the advantage for sparsely haired people is that the procedure does not cause embarrassing scars.

Which surgical technique is most appropriate is discussed with the surgeon before the procedure. Regardless of the technique, the eyebrows and forehead are lifted and fastened with the help of sutures (stitches) that are self-absorbed by the body after about two weeks. As with any other scar, it is important to avoid the sun and protect the scars with strong sun protection factor.

How do I go about performing the procedure?

First consultation

All surgical procedures are preceded by a consultation with a plastic surgeon in Malad. There you will undergo a clinical examination and a thorough analysis of your particular problem. You will also receive comprehensive information about the treatment options that suit you and your conditions best. Contact us for more information.

Before the operation

A week before the day of surgery, you will receive important information on how to prepare for the operation. All our surgeries take place at Hospital.


The procedure takes place in anesthesia and you usually sleep over at the clinic one night. One should expect to be home from work for two weeks. The first return visit takes place after a week and then after six months. Some sensory impairment can occur, which usually goes over in a few months or up to a year. Swelling, stiffening, itching of the scalp and bruising can also occur, this goes over in a week or so. Bandages should be worn for seven days.

After surgery

After a week, you will return to the reception for a wound check. Then we look so that the tissue is soft, the pain relief continues to work, and the healing goes as expected.

eybrow lift surgery in Mumbai

After two weeks, you will return to the reception to take the stitches and for further control. During the entire first time, you have access to the on-call doctor number and our daytime counseling.

Recovery after an eyebrow lift

The recovery period after an eyebrow lift surgery in Mumbai is usually quick and smooth. Here are some tips and advice that are good for the patient to know and follow after surgery:

The wound healing

Wound healing at first usually takes up to 2 weeks. During that time, it is not uncommon to experience mild to mediocre pain that can be managed with prescription medication.


After surgery, the patient is discharged the next day because the operation most often takes place under general anesthesia.

Incision care

The incision area must be kept dry and clean for up to 48 hours after surgery. Later, the patient is strongly advised to maintain his personal hygiene or to adjust his routine according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Bruises and swellings

Bruises and swellings can occur for up to 2-4 weeks when a clinical manifestation occurs in the form of a local inflammatory response to surgery. If they last longer, a doctor should be consulted as there may be symptoms of an infection.


Scars from eyebrow lifts are very subtle and in most cases, they become almost impossible to detect a few months after surgery. In some patients, however, it has been observed that the hairline tends to move up about 1 cm after surgery.

Alcohol and tobacco products

Patients are strongly advised to abstain from alcohol and tobacco products, especially in combination with prescription medications after surgery, as otherwise, this may lead to unwanted side effects and complications