Birth Marks Removal
Birthmarks, like other skin problems and blemishes, can be difficult to live with cosmetically when they are visible, especially on the face or neck. The removal of a birthmark is more complex than natural remedies, which have varying degrees of success in relieving them. After determining some very important medical considerations, you can make a much more informed decision about how you want to treat your birthmark.
What are birthmarks or nevi
Birthmarks or nevi – it’s the wrong sections of tissue, they’re on almost every people’s skin. In the nevus under a microscope, you can see a large number of cells that contain pigment granules – melonosomes, whose number increases with sunburn. Cells containing melanosomes are called melanocytes. In melanocytes nevi are found various degrees of maturity – from fully matured to immature.
Birthmarks are usually benign, and most people have had a doctor identify the type of birthmark they have very early in life, since they are usually present at birth (hence the name) or soon after. According to an article in Times Online, one in 10 babies has a birthmark of blood vessels at birth or shortly thereafter, and most are temporary. It is still very important to have a dermatologist advise you if you have decided to seek treatment or possible removable from your birthmark. This is especially true if your birthmark has changed in size, color or texture. Also, don’t ignore a birthmark that starts scratching or getting touch sensitive.
Your health should come before cosmetics; therefore, it is important to deal with any medical problems caused by a birthmark in the first place. If a birthmark is causing problems with your vision or any other health problems, you should work closely with your doctor to address health concerns first. Certain birth marks of the scalp and face have been associated with an increased risk of glaucoma and seizures. It is extremely important that you approach to remove the birth mark from the health point of view first and then from an aesthetic point of view.
Birthmark removing operation
Moles can be removed only by surgery performed in the hospital, followed by a mandatory laboratory examination of the removed tissue. Independently remove even very small birthmark is strictly prohibited due to its propensity for malignancy (degeneration in malignant tumor). If during laboratory tests a Malignant tumor is detected, then further analysis and treatment should be carried out only in cancer clinic. There is no need to be afraid: timely access to an agency that specializes in most cases leads to recovery. You do not need to be afraid of advanced disease.
How is the surgery to remove the birthmark
Since moles are different in structure and footprint, we remove them in different ways:
- Conventional surgical method with a scalpel – Nowadays, this method is rarely used and only when removing large moles (more than 2-3 cm in diameter); with a large mole removal is achieved in phases;
- using cold (cryotherapy); This operation is performed using liquid nitrogen, and only to remove small nevi; operation is quite traumatic, such as traumatized surrounding tissue;
- by electrocoagulation – before this method was very widespread, but nowadays for the removal of moles, there is a more advanced equipment, method is also traumatic and is used to remove only a small moles;
- removal with a laser; Effective method to remove moles can be up to 2 cm in diameter, while avoiding bleeding because the laser immediately “welds” small vials;
- Remove using a special radio frequency device “Surgitron” – the most modern technique that does not cause bleeding and leaves behind a scar virtually invisible.