Lipomas are soft, fatty growths that can appear anywhere on the body. Lipomas are generally benign i.e. non cancerous.
They can cause discomfort or cosmetic concerns. This page showcases various lipoma removal pictures across different body areas.
This includes lipoma on neck pictures, lipoma on abdomen and various small and large lipoma removal photos after the surgery.
All these lipoma removal surgery in Mumbai are done by our lipoma specialist doctor Dr. Vishal Patel in Mumbai. Let’s explore Lipoma removal before and after images to understand the results of advanced lipoma removal in Mumbai. In the end, we also mention about offer on lipoma removal in Mumbai at zero cost.
Lipoma Pictures in Humans
This section shows you lipoma pictures in humans. These pictures highlights some common characteristics of Lipoma in Mumbai like their soft, round appearance under the skin.
Neck Lipoma Removal Pictures
Lipoma on Hand Pictures
Lipomas on the hand can restrict movement or cause discomfort. They can even be painful when you press them or touch them.
In this section we show a patient photos with multiple lipoma on his hand. Lipomas were present on front of forearm, near the shoulder and back of the arm.
Below you can see before and after lipoma removal photo of the same patient. The patient was treated by specialist Plastic surgeon in Mumbai – Dr Vishal Patel.
In the middle photo, you can see how the yellow colored lipoma look like while removing from the hand.
Lipoma on Stomach & Abdomen Pictures
Abdominal lipomas are very common in India but they can impact confidence. See below lipoma pictures on the stomach and imagine how discomfort the patient might be having due to them.
Benign Lipoma Pictures in Humans
Benign lipomas are non-cancerous fat growth. Benign lipoma pictures illustrate their typical appearance and how surgical removal can restore confidence.
We hope these picture would help you understand how the conditions of multiple lipoma cause discomfort in your body.
The lipoma before after removal photos helps you to assess the impact on having such fat growths in the body.
We at Recon Plastic Surgery clinic in Mumbai offering 100% free consultation on Lipoma removal in Mumbai. Also, we are having cashless insurance facility for Lipoma surgery in Mumbai. Get the offer now and get your lipoma removed at no cost.